Storm is a collaborative problem-solving session where diverse groups brainstorm ideas, refine them and select the most promising ones for further development.

The problem Storm solves

Storm solves the challenge of stagnant thinking and limited perspectives within teams or communities. It provides a platform for individuals to come together, break through mental barriers, and generate fresh ideas to address complex problems. By fostering a collaborative environment and encouraging innovative thinking, Storm empowers participants to tackle challenges with renewed creativity and enthusiasm, leading to more effective solutions and positive outcomes.

Our Storm experiences

Our Storm experiences typically last 1 to 3 hours and are designed to ignite innovative thinking. These sessions involve time-limited challenges that prompt participants to brainstorm ideas and explore solutions together.

For more intensive brainstorming sessions, we offer Storm days. These full-day experiences allow for deep exploration of challenges, with multiple sessions and breaks for maximum productivity. Storm days can be customised to suit your needs, whether you're working with your team, stakeholders, or a curated group of participants.

Our Storm experience days

Provide an intensive platform for collaborative problem-solving and innovation. Through dynamic brainstorming sessions, workshops, and expert-led discussions, participants explore diverse topics and generate fresh insights. Facilitated by experienced professionals, these days empower teams and communities to break free from conventional thinking patterns and drive meaningful change.

So how does a Storm day work?

Storm brings together a diverse group of business associates or colleagues to address pre-defined challenges.

Session Structure

  • Morning Phase: Participants gather to understand the challenges and begin generating ideas, typically from 10 or 11 am until 12 pm.

  • Midday Break: Informal networking and hospitality time, possibly featuring a guest speaker.

  • Afternoon Phase: Participants continue brainstorming and select the most promising ideas for further development.

    Final Phase

  • Idea Selection: Participants refine and select the top ideas for development and action.

  • Feedback and Celebration: Feedback round by participants and clients, followed by a vote and selection of the best idea for actioning and celebration.


  • Duration: Sessions can last 1 to 6 hours, or a full day.

  • Group Size: Accommodates groups of 4 to 100 or potentially more participants by arrangement.

  • Facilitators: Expert facilitators may be used to enhance the session depending on the group size.

Main takeaways from a Storm experience

  • Connect with peers for future collaborations.

  • Gain new perspectives and ideas.

  • Generate practical strategies for implementation.

  • An enjoyable, connecting, insightful experience.

  • Collaborate to brainstorm solutions.

  • Foster innovative thinking.

  • Stay on track with structured sessions.

  • Stay motivated with interactive elements.

Our Storm Packages

At The Peer Space, we believe in tailoring our solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether you're looking to address a particular challenge or explore new ideas, we'll work closely with you to create a customised experience that delivers results.


Time-limited brainstorming sessions, expert facilitation by The Peer Space, flexible scheduling options (breakfast, brunch, lunch, or tea breaks)

Duration: 1 to 3 hours

Half day intensive

Extended brainstorming sessions with multiple challenges, customised gamification elements to enhance engagement, gourmet refreshments & breaks for networking

Duration: Half-day (4 to 6 hours)

Full day immersive

Multiple brainstorming sessions with diverse challenges, keynote speakers & expert panel discussions, post-event evaluation & recommendations

Duration: Full-day (7 to 9 hours)


Personalised planning and coordination, bespoke gamification elements & activities, post-event support & follow-up

Duration: Tailored to your needs

Flexible scheduling options

We understand that schedules vary, so we offer flexibility in scheduling Storm experiences. Whether it's breakfast, brunch, lunch, or tea breaks, or morning, afternoon, or weekend sessions, we can accommodate your needs. Plus, we often incorporate gamification to enhance engagement and creativity

Interested in a taster of Storm? Book in to our free webinar below

Ready to storm your innovation and collaboration within your team or community?